we love, we give, we grow
Our church school vision is strongly rooted in Christian Values.
"Like a tree firmly planted by streams of living water" (Psalm 1)
We love – As God the Father loves us all, we continue to care and nurture one another in a community built upon mutual respect.
We give – As God gave His Son to us, we also give to one another, our community and the wider world.
We grow – As the spirit of God grows within us, we aim for spiritual growth and academic excellence in our family.
This is true for everyone – families of all faiths and none.
As a voluntary controlled Church of England school, we have close links with the church (St. Peter & St. Paul). The children often lead festivals in the church and we invite families to join us. These are special times and I hope you get to see them!
We have collective worships in school each day, including a weekly assembly when community members come and act out Bible stories for us. In addition to celebrating Christian Festivals, we also focus on the values shown below. We hear and act stories, and children are given lots of opportunity to contribute and join in. We sing Hymns and children are invited to join in prayer and reflection time.
Our School Values
All Year: Love
Please see use this link for six stories of Jesus relating to our value of Love:
Cycle A Cycle B
Term 1: Respect= #Thankfulness
Term 2: Hope Generosity
Term 3: Perseverance Courage
Term 4: Forgiveness Justice Forgiveness
Term 5: Trust Compassion
Raising Money for Charity
Over the school year, we raise money for charity and children are amazingly generous with their time and effort when supporting these ventures. I am delighted that they seem to realise how fortunate they are and they are very keen to bake and sell cakes, to design and enter competitions and of course to create some rather creative costumes on non-uniform days!