Welcome to Northleach C of E Primary School
Our current value is: GENEROSITY
We love, We give, We grow
Our church school vision is strongly rooted in Christian Values.
"Like a tree firmly planted by streams of living water" (Psalm 1)
We love – As God the Father loves us all, we continue to care and nurture one another in a community built upon mutual respect.
We give – As God gave His Son to us, we also give to one another, our community and the wider world.
We grow – As the spirit of God grows within us, we aim for spiritual growth and academic excellence in our family.
This is true for everyone – families of all faiths and none.
A message from Miss Williams

I am in the privileged position to be Headteacher of Northleach CE Primary School. Our school is fully committed to ensuring all children receive the very best education they deserve and that they leave our school with excellent foundations for the rest of life’s challenges. We are very proud of our high academic results, our outstanding behaviour and our close links with the community and church.
Our school ethos is inspired by ‘We love, We give, We grow’, illustrating our core beliefs in being at the heart of the community, caring about all those around us and striving for the very best that we can be.
We are constantly determined to move the school forward, with all staff completely committed to making this good school even better. I encourage parents to share their views with the school and I will be in the playground at the start and end of as many days as possible.